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Grey Round Patterns

My Songs,Soundtracks

About us

Fusing vocal talent, precision, and skill with masterful production, My Songs,Soundtracks has created an impressive back catalogue. From up-tempo tunes to more mellow tracks, check out a selection of music recorded over our career.Our incredible career began with a bang in 2020 where we FOUNDED, with the release of our songs. Since then, we have toured almost constantly and have put out music on a regular basis that manages to thrill and our music is on YouTube and everywhere else you can expect

Music concert
Abstract Flame


We have a mission to compete and recreate the music everyone hears. “Music is an outburst of the soul”.Music changes the soul

We will revolutionize music and change it.

"The beginning is the most important part of the work"

We have started in 2020 and now are trying to go further

Dazzling Light


We'd love to hear from you

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Find us in YouTube and twitter

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